
35 Ucapan 17 Agustus Bahasa Inggris, Peringati HUT ke-78 RI dengan Update Status

35 Ucapan 17 Agustus Bahasa Inggris, Peringati HUT ke-78 RI dengan Update Status – Perayaan hari ulang tahun (HUT) ke-78 Republik Indonesia (RI) tinggal menghitung hari. Sebanyak 35 ucapan 17 Agustus bahasa Inggris ini bisa menjadi inspirasimu untuk berbagi semangat kemerdekaan kepada teman dan rekan kerja.

Selain untuk dikirim ke orang lain, ucapan 17 Agustus bahasa inggris ini juga dapat diunggah ke media sosial menjadi status. Ucapan dalam bahasa Inggris juga bisa menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia juga bagian dari masyarakat global, yang tidak kalah maju dari negara-negara lain.

Ucapan ini juga bisa kamu bagikan lewat media sosial atau aplikasi perpesanan. Berikut adalah 35 ucapan 17 Agustus bahasa Inggris. 

1. “May the Indonesian flag, always flies so high. Warm wishes on the grand occasion of independence day 17 August 2023.”

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2. “May this independence day 17 August 2023 fills your life happiness and prosperity.”

3. “Let’s celebrate hard-won freedom, honor the founding of your homeland, and we are free from foreign rule. Happy 17 August 2023!”

4. “As we celebrate on this day, remember that no nation is perfect but it needs to be made perfect. Happy independence day 17 August 2023, I proud to be an Indonesian.”

5. “May the glory of independence day 17 August 2023 be with you forever.”

6. “Independence is a precious gift of God, so may we always remain independent. A happy independence day to you!”

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7. “Happy independence day 17 August 2023, Indonesia! Freedom doesn’t come cheap, because lots of souls must die to achieve this freedom. Thank you so much to all heroes.”

8. “Let’s take a decision to value our nation, Indonesia. Won’t forget those sacrifices, who gave us freedom, so happy independence day!”

9. “Happy Independence Day 2023. It has been 78 years we’re enjoying our freedom, even though there are a lot of corrupts and bribes.”

10. “Have a great independence day, everyone! Feel the pride of being the part of such a glorious nation, Indonesia.”

11. “Let’s pay homage to all the great souls who laid their life for Indonesia. I feel proud to be an Indonesian!”

12. “Let’s celebrate the day that gave us the freedom of thought, actions, faith, speech, etc! Happy independence day, everyone!”

13. “Happy independence day 78th Indonesia. Freedom, liberty, unity, let’s enjoy the day of freedom!”

14. “Let’s honor the valiant heroes, who made us the proudest of all humans and the mightiest of all. May the glory of this independence day be our inspiration for tomorrow!”

15. “Freedom was earned in the hardest way possible, but let’s not forget to fight to protect it too. So, happy Independence Day 17 August 2023!”

16. “Have a great independence day 17 August 2023!”

17. “I proud to be an Indonesian! Happy Independence Day 2023!”

18. “Freedom will shines bright on Independence Day.”

19. “A day to remember and cherish our independence 17 August.”

20. “By uniting we stand, and by dividing we fall. This independence day is a good time to think about who we are and how we got here.”

21. “Freedom is never dear at any price, because it is the breath of life. Happy Indonesiaan Independence Day!”

22. “Here’s sending my warm patriotic wishes to make this independence day truly memorable. Happy August 17th!”

23. “Let the fireworks light up the sky, as we celebrate independence day, the 17th of August!”

24.  “Independence is the heartbeat of our nation.”

25. “Let the fireworks light up the sky and our smiles light up the independece day.”

26. “Freedom is never dear at any price. It is the breath of life. Happy 78th Independence Day!”

27. “May the Indonesian flag, always flies high. Happy Independence Day Indonesia.”

28. “All of us are different but we all stand on the same ground, same nation, Indonesia. Today is our day, today is the day we celebrate our freedom.”

29. “Celebrate hard-won freedom, honor the founding of your homeland, and we are free from foreign rule. Happy August 17th!”

30. “No matter what your skin tone is, what language you speak, what religion you believe in, if you’re Indonesian, August 17th is your day to unite as one.”

31. “Our hand is no longer for weapons. Now, our hands are the ones who will build our nation. Happy birthday to our country!”

32. “Celebrate the free spirit of Indonesia! Happy Independent day Indonesia!”

33. “Failure only occurs if we give up. Happy independent day!”

34. “Let us honour our patriot. Without them, we would not celebrate our independence. Let us keep their names in our prayers. Without them, we would not celebrate our existence.”

35. “The war might be over, but the fight is not. The fight to be better, the fight for our future. Happy day of Independence, Indonesia!”

Itulah sederet ucapan 17 Agustus Bahasa Inggris yang bisa kalian pakai ketika momen HUT RI 78.

Kontributor : Nadia Lutfiana Mawarni

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